My son, Jude, is 4. Which means we are having increasingly deep conversations - and a lot of them - and a lot of questions - mostly unanswerable questions.
But yesterday Jude asked me maybe one of the most important and insightful questions about my work as a minister and worship leader.
He knows daddies need to make money and he knows that I work for the church. He's uncertain if I make money just on Sundays or when I go into the office, too. Maybe that's a question a lot of church-goers have. He also knows that mommy's work helps orphans. So yesterday he asked me...
'Daddy, do your songs help orphans?'
I instantly thought of two poignant passages, from Amos 5 and James 1.
So I'm asking myself, do my songs help the poor, do my songs bring justice, do my songs look after orphans and widows, do my songs bring righteousness?
I hope so.