I've been to Russia about a dozen times in the last six years. My wife has been almost as many times, starting way back in the early 90s. We've taken dozens of family and friends. We've been on planes, trains, and automobiles, in villages and cities.
I've never been robbed.
And I've only seen it once. When Jerry Kaufman, the VP of Doma's board of directors, were in St. Petersburg, we saw some street thieves swipe a camera from the backpack of some wandeirng and clueless European tourists.
But I've never been robbed.
Today I spent a little time reading, among other things, Richard Stearns' The Hole in our Gospel, at Stauf's in Grandview. At the next table, a college student was sharing about her desire to go to Siberia to study abroad. But her family was afraid she'd be robbed and not helped by police her a too corrupt to care.
I know it happens, I've never been robbed. But I will tell you this... I've been taken by the experience.
I learn more about myself, my friends and family, my God, and my place in God's world when I am among orphaned and vulnerable children, the poor, prisoners, refugees, the sick, and single moms. My heart and mind are robbed, taken captive by their plight. But then, in return, I am given so much more than I had before. God generously inspires and invigorates us to care for people with different stories who live in different places. And they care for us. And God does too. And in some strange way, I see it all coming together.
Consider this your invitation to have your heart robbed by becoming friends with orphaned children and vulnerable women. Go with Julie to Russia in October. You won't be sorry. The plans are shaping up. The time is approaching. Email her at [email protected] to learn more.