I am recruiting creative, adventurous, missional, visionary, & entrepreneurial people to go on an adventure of compassion to Ethiopia April 25-May 4. Comment on this blog or email me at [email protected] for more information. Here is what you can expect...
The Challenge:
The average Ethiopian woman will give birth to over 6 children, and 1 in 11 women in East Africa will die of childbirth related causes. When a mother dies, children are orphaned; and there are 5 million orphans in Ethiopia. Doma digs to the root of the problem. In Ethiopia, growing healthy families means removing obstacles to peace and joy, and preventing that which leads to more orphaned children and vulnerable women.
The Project:
Doma is establishing a Prenatal & Early Childhood Care Center in Bora, a village in the mountains of southern Ethiopia. The problem of maternal and child mortality is much greater in Bora than the national averages. At this center, the mothers and mothers-to-be in and around Bora will be trained in simple healthcare practices and have access to prenatal and postnatal care, as well as pediatric care for their children. The center will also operate holistic programs that focus on such areas as agriculture, education, and workforce development.
The Opportunity:
As co-founder and Director of Marketing and Development for doma, I am leading a Vision Trip to Ethiopia April 25 to May 4, 2011. You will travel with leaders, pastors, activists, and business persons who are passionate and share your interest in Africa, orphaned children, and vulnerable women. You will see real needs first hand and meet these needs in simple and immediate. You will serve alongside one of doma‘s medical teams. You will experience the first stages of the center doma is establishing. You will build relationships with Ethiopians and earn life-long friends. You will have the opportunity to give to this and other projects, as well as come home inspired and informed to connect your families, churches, businesses, and communities to the adventure of generosity and compassion on behalf of orphaned children and vulnerable women.
The Details:
The team will travel from Monday, April 25th to Wednesday, May 4th. The cost to cover all your needs while in Ethiopia is $1250 per person. This is a tax-deductible gift to doma, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. You will also need to purchase airfare in consultation with a doma staff person. Additional cash for souvenirs, tips, and snacks is recommended. If you are even considering this opportunity, please be sure that you have a valid and current US passport as soon as possible. Go to www.travel.state.gov/passport for more information.
The Next Steps:
If you are considering traveling to Ethiopia with doma this Spring, please contact me at [email protected] or 614-648-3663 as soon as possible. Doma’s experienced and professional team will guide you through the steps of preparing for your adventure of compassion in the beautiful country of Ethiopia.